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February 06, 2017

Hi Carey,

I cannot believe the change in Jasmine since her session with you. She is tactile, cuddly, making eye contact,  and even asked me to give her a back scratch! Telling all of us she loves us, and her incessant chatter is more moderated. It is really, really profound and extraordinary. Thank you so much for helping her feel more settled. So, so happy I brought her to you. Beth xx


Brighton, Victoria

May 14, 2018

​​Thank you so much Carey for your work with Max's immune system. He was such a sickly little boy and was fed up with being sick all the time and missing out on the fun things. Twelve months on he is not only robust but also the last in the family to catch a cold, if at all



October 23, 2017

Before I took Ava to Carey she had been living very much in fear. She was always a clingy baby but then once she started school it was all too much. She was very fearful and had to control everything to feel safe. After three sessions she was not only sleeping better and stopping melting down, but actually looked forward to school and enjoying her life.  Thank you again for your magic x


Melton, Victoria

May 31, 2016

My son had been struggling at school for over two years with learning difficulties and we were told it was likely he would have to repeat Grade 2.  After the first session we noticed an immediate improvement in Harvey, not just in his school work but also his behaviour at home.  After a couple more sessions his teacher was astonished at the difference - he was now reading without a problem, not "losing it" with his maths and became focussed in class. Harvey will be going into Grade 3 next year with flying colours - who would have thought. Since then we have taken Harvey's two siblings to Carey for their own challenges (bedwetting and anxiety) and have had amazing results. We've gone from not knowing what Kinesiology was, to being advocates of this work.


Elwood, Victoria

July 25, 2018

A friend of mine recommended I take my daughter to see Carey as she was suffering from selective mutism and had no success with standard psychology or speech therapy. Her fear levels were so crippling that we were considering home school. After just 4 sessions she was back to her usual happy self and actually instigating conversations with family and friends. We are very grateful that two years of fearful living and stress is over.


Melbourne, Victoria

October 04, 2015

My son had been wetting the bed for a period of 6 months and it was at its peak when we were referred to Carey.  Whilst I knew that the bedwetting was stress related I had no idea that it also related to his jaw! With Carey's great work Jackson stopped wetting the bed and we all slept better.  We then continued to do 4 sessions of brain integration and now  have a  much calmer child who is thriving at school. . I have since recommended several school Mums to Carey for various things and all have had great results. 


Hawthorn, Victoria

May 06, 2018

My daughter was having trouble with reading at school and was becoming increasingly stressed with reading groups. After just 2 or 3 sessions with Carey her brain was working so much better and the words started to flow. Her writing and comprehension also improved as part of the treatments. 



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Bayside Kinesiology | Carey Brauer Kinesiologist


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