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Bayside Kinesiology | Carey Brauer Kinesiologist
anxiety & stress management


Emotional stress and anxiety are two of the most paralysing experiences for an individual. Usually when we process experiences in daily life, all of the brain is functioning normally and our nervous system can manage the intensity of emotions thrown at us. When we experience any type of extreme stress or traumatic event however, parts of the brain are shut down and it is as though the stressful or traumatic experience gets stuck in the nervous system throughout the body.


The nervous system cannot cope after the stressful incident has well and truly passed. In addition to this, the fight-or-flight system - the impulse to either protect yourself or run - is in overdrive. In this state the body releases adrenaline into the bloodstream; telling the brain to make you breathe faster, the heart to beat faster, sending lots of needed oxygen to your arms and legs to run or fight the danger.


When in fight-flight we have very low access to our frontal cortex which makes basic decision making difficult, let alone dealing with typical daily stressors. In this state anything not critical to survival in that moment, such as digestion, immunity and reproduction (hormonal system) are suppressed. For people that have experienced extreme stress or trauma , the fight-flight system is never properly switched off and they are left in a constant state of hyperarousal.


As a Kinesiologist I observe via muscle test the level of emotional stress in the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind. Using a combination of advanced kinesiology techniques such as Applied Physiology, NOT (Neural Organisation Technique), NSI (Neuro Spiritual Integration), NK (Neuroenergetic Kinesiology) the nervous system is bought down to its normal range and stress is released at a deeper level. This can lead to profound shifts in a persons way of being whether they are a young child or an adult.





Some things to try at home as a starting point to relax the fight-flight system when you feel an anxiety attack approaching are:



Find five things you can SEE, four things you can TOUCH, three things you can HEAR, two things you can SMELL, and one thing you can TASTE. This is called grounding and can help when you fell like you have lost all control of your surroundings.



Place your hands on your stomach just above your navel with your two middle fingers touching. Take a gentle deep breathe, and as you do allow your stomach to rise. As you breathe out allow your stomach to drop. Continue to breathe this way, allowing your breathing to become longer and slower with every breathe you let go. You can also imagine breathing a calming colour through your heart as you do this and allowing it to soak through all the muscles and bones of your body.



Essential Oils contain aromatic molecules that can pass the blood/brain barrier and have a direct effect on the parts of our brain that control stress and anxiety.  They can help calm your anxiety and even stop a panic attack dead in its tracks. I recommend the use of doterra Essential Oils which are the purest in the world! Essential Oils can be diffused, used on the body or even simply rubbed on the hands (with a carrier oil) and inhaled. 

The three best Essential Oils for Anxiety are Lavender, Frankincense and Wild Orange Oil.


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